What I Believe

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Apart from me you can do Nothing

As I have written before, I took a Bible study last year on the book of John.  Jesus gave the disciples a new command before his crucifixion.  He instructed his disciples to "Love each other as I have loved you."  I have been using the study guide by Cynthia Heald, Becoming a Woman Who Loves, to learn more about this new command Jesus gave to his disciples.  I feel terribly inadequate to attempt this command.  I am selfish with my time, I don't like to be interrupted and I like to have my way--all qualities that get in the way of loving like Jesus. 

Heald points to John 15:5 as a key to loving like Jesus loved.  John 15:5 states: I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.   Those lasts few words  "apart from me you can do nothing" struck a cord with me.  Jesus didn't mince words.  It is as if He is showing me that I have been trying to love according to my abilities rather than calling on Him.   Jesus also tells us that if we remain in him, we will bear much fruit.  Remaining in Him, means I must study His word and pray for guidance.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Top Ten Benefits of a Broken Leg

Top Ten Benefits of a Broken Leg

10. No high heels
9. Having plenty of time to read those books on my reading list.
8. Getting to drive the motorized cart at Publix
7. No household chores (don't miss those yet)
6. Looking at the scenery while someone else drives.
5. Receiving Get Well cards
4. Great food from friends
3. No hurrying anywhere.
2. Greater Appreciation for Family
1. Increased empathy and understanding for disabled people

White Water Rafting

White water rafting can be a great experience.  On this hot July 17 afternoon, it was not such a great experience for me.  We met our guides and got outfitted at the Nantahala Outdoor Center for the Ocoee River.  We loaded the bus and were driven to the river.   Our daughters were jealous of our Brad Pitt lookalike guide named "Cartwheel".   The trip was fine until we hit a class 3 rapid and I took a bounce very wrong and broke my leg.  I was taken out of the raft up a steep rocky bank by six guides and Pops (my husband).  The photographer who follows the river route stopped to give my husband and I  a ride back to the NOC so we could pick up a car and drive to the hospital. 

After all was said and done and I saw an orthopedist at home, it was determined, indeed that my tibia had been fractured and I was to stay off of it for at least 3 weeks, maybe more.

I am in week two of the healing process.  Because there is not much to do when one cannot walk around, I am starting again with the blogging and hope to have more succes than I have in the past.  Be patient with me because I am just learning how to do this picture thing.

Below is the picture of the kids and our guides.  Can you pick out the Brad Pitt lookalike? 

Blogging Vacation is Over

My blogging break is over.  We have had one busy summer and I have not really had time to gather my thoughts to even think about writing.  Now, however, I do have the time since I broke my leg white water rafting.  It was a freak accident and I was the freak. It took me about 3 days to realize that because  the air cast is on my right leg I cannot drive until I have  healed.   I now know what it must feel like for senior citizens to have their car keys taken away.  It is an unusual feeling to be dependent on others for small things.

Pops (my helpful husband) just pulled up to take me over to my parents house.  Since, I don't drive, I have to take this opportunity to get out of my nice cool house and see something beside these four walls.    I will write more...