What I Believe

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blogging Vacation is Over

My blogging break is over.  We have had one busy summer and I have not really had time to gather my thoughts to even think about writing.  Now, however, I do have the time since I broke my leg white water rafting.  It was a freak accident and I was the freak. It took me about 3 days to realize that because  the air cast is on my right leg I cannot drive until I have  healed.   I now know what it must feel like for senior citizens to have their car keys taken away.  It is an unusual feeling to be dependent on others for small things.

Pops (my helpful husband) just pulled up to take me over to my parents house.  Since, I don't drive, I have to take this opportunity to get out of my nice cool house and see something beside these four walls.    I will write more...

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