What I Believe

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Athens Botanical Gardens

Last week Pops and I ran off to the State Botanical Gardens in Athens.  I grabbed my camera since I am taking a Fundamentals of Photography class and snapped the photos below.  Pops had never been there and was pleasantly surprised.  We wandered through the gardens before taking off to hike the orange trail which runs by the river.  There were families enjoying Frisbee's and picnics on the grounds of the gardens.  Great place for a cheap date since admission is free.    

Waterfall outside the conservatory

I need to work on the glare on the flower from the flash

Beautiful orchid inside the conservatory.

Pops walking out of the arch of vines
The arch of vines above was by the river.  It felt like we were walking into a land of fairies and leprechauns. 

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