What I Believe

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Calling evil good?

I am studying the book of Isaiah in the old testament of the Bible.  It is quite challenging to me on many levels.  It is difficult to keep up with  the kings and countries at the time of Isaiah.   I have had to brush up on  the relationships between the peoples of many different geographical regions to understand who is whose enemy or ally. 

Chapter 5 of Isaiah starts out with a song of the vineyard in which he details the loving care a vineyard owner gave to his vineyard that did not produce any fruit.  He  then leads into six areas of sin of which the people are guilty.  Isaiah does not name each sin individually like the was reading from a list of laws.  Instead, he gives great flourishing detail to the sins of the people.  The sin of calling evil good and good evil from verse 20 has caused me to think.  People  have a way of making sin more easily acceptable.  A little white lie is not really a lie we tell ourselves because we didn't want to hurt feelings.  Stealing has been be called borrowing. Politicians have often called their sins mistakes rather than own up to the sin.  Reading this chapter has caused me  to identify areas of my life where I have made my sin something justifiable.   It seems that it is as easy to day to call good evil and evil good today as it was in Isaiah's time. 

I am continually amazed at the power of studying the Bible.  It continues to speak to me as it has to people throughout time.  Isaiah's message is as relevant today to me as it was to the people to whom he spoke so many years ago. 

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