What I Believe

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Ornaments

More ornaments that we love.  The first picture is of Santa on a tractor for Pops.  He loves his tractor so this ornaments is his. The next two ornaments are really odd I know.  The first is an eye patch that Elle wore for a long time to correct the vision in her eye.  It was a source of great stress at the time.  Elle didn't want to wear the patch and we had a hard time getting her to wear it because she was self-conscious although she was terribly cute.  The second item is the glasses she had to wear with the patch.  Again, she didn't like these either.  Either Eliza Kate or Emma Jane decided to add these items to our Christmas tree last year.  At first I though it odd, however, that was such a tender memory at that specific time in her childhood, I am glad they thought to hang these treasures. 

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