What I Believe

Monday, August 2, 2010

God's Grace is a Gift

I read the most interesting devotion this morning at Proverbs 31 Ministries.  It was written by Tosca Lee who writes about growing up in church most of her life but one day was forced to accept that she had been leaning into her own goodness rather than God's grace.  Lee writes that we cannot earn God's grace by the right choices we make, by our own goodness or hours at church.

Lee's writing hit home with me because I too am a pleaser who does not like to let people down.  I have always felt somewhere in the back of my mind/heart that doing good would earn me something.  Over the past few years I have come to understand  that I can't do anything good enough, worthy enough, kind enough , whatever enough to earn anything.  Acceptance of this fact,  somehow takes the pressure off of trying to do the right thing.  Now, I seem to be able to let go and let Christ 's love take over in my life.  Now when I make mistakes, my spirit is not crushed. Nor do I fear failure so much that I fail to act.  I accept responsibility, seek forgiveness and move on.

If you haven't read anything at Proverbs 31, check it out.

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