What I Believe

Monday, August 23, 2010

Shining Star or Complainer

Have you ever worked with someone who seemed to complain about everything?  Have you been that person who complains about everything who just can't seem to be happy about anything?   If I were completely, 100% honest, I would have to answer with a yes to both questions.

Working with people who continually complain is miserable.    It is difficult to accomplish anything when there are complaints floating around. Everything  seems to get mired up and stuck.  Frustration abounds. It seems as if there is no hope of accomplishing anything worthwhile.

Honestly, there  have been  periods when I complained about everything. Nothing made me happy and all  I saw were  shortcomings and failures in myself and others.   Have you heard  the saying "ain't nobody happy if mama ain't happy", well  sadly there wasn't much  happiness anywhere near me.  Complaining is an infectious disease. 

I came across  Philippians 2:14-15 the other day.   It says 14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.

Paul did not mince words. He was writing to encourage the Philippians as they faced persecution.  As I apply this to my life it  says to me that I  should do everything without complaint or argument.  So I should not complain when those mundane chores of life seem to get me down.   You know, those chores like picking up shoes someone left in the den or when the kids spill a whole gallon of milk on the floor I just mopped or when my husband can't see the crumbs on the counter top (my personal pet peeve).  Those kinds of things. 

Why does Paul tell us not to complain?  Paul gives us two reasons. First, so  that we can be blameless and pure in a world that complains and argues.   Secondly, so that we can be shining stars for others to see Christ's love  more clearly through us. 

I would prefer to be the shining star rather than the complainer.

Dear God,

Help me to do my work and live cheerfully and without complaint. Give me self control when the complaints want to come flying out of my mouth.   Let me be a star that shines with your message of love and hope. 

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